On-Demand Media Training For Your City’s Incoming Elected Officials

Are your newly-elected officials ready to engage with the media, and go on-record?

Like playing any sport, media encounters are pressure-filled events with rules, time limits and the occasional cheap-shot. As the Communication Director for your municipality or level of government, you need to equip your newly-elected spokespeople with the training, knowledge and skills they will need to conduct excellent media interviews with tact and poise.

We’d like to introduce you to a communications expert with a unique skillset that is perfectly tailored to connecting politics with media success. Having spent eight years as a City Councillor, and with ten years working in the media industry as an award-winning journalist, Melissa Durrell has experience in both worlds.

Over the past decade, Melissa has trained hundreds of municipal/political officials, ranging from staff, to councillors. She excels at conducting tailor-made, bespoke media training for companies, politicians, governments, NGOS, and anyone that needs to formulate clear and concise opinions for a variety of different forms of media; from TV, to Radio, to Print and digital media.

Melissa Durrell
CEO & Chief Communications Strategist
Waterloo City Councillor (8 years)
Award Winning Journalist

In-Person Media Training for your Spokesperson

A spokesperson or elected official needs a clear strategy before speaking to the media. They need clear sets of messages, talking-points, and scenarios that are effective and relevant to changing topics and forms of auditory, visual, and print media. Before speaking with a reporter, your representative must be aware of their “rights” during a media interview: what they can ask, what they can say, how best to say it, and what they do not have to answer.

This bespoke training is designed to give your specific spokespeople the knowledge and skills they need to effectively prepare for, and conduct, media interviews on any subject and in any format, as well as to comprehend the media relations process and how to engage with different forms and variety of media most effectively.

What your new council will walk away with following the training…

Develop an independent mind, with increased confidence to communicate with journalists when required.
Learn the specific ‘hooks’ and lengths of time for a talking-point.
Equip key spokespeople with media handbooks for effective preparation and best practices.
Develop the ability to manage a wide range of media inquiries, anticipate potential questions, avoid typical pitfalls, and stay focused on the main points and key messages.
Leave with an improved ability to think on their feet, while providing direct, clear, and informative responses to the media and members of the community.

Want to know more?
Connect with us today.

We offer in-person and online half-day media training sessions.
If you’re a communications director interested in learning more about bespoke council media training by a former politician, journalist, and communications expert, then please send an email to media@durrellcomm.com, and we’ll get in touch with you.